
Friday, October 19, 2012

Zombie Baby

This is my first Vitual Zombie Walk so please forgive me if I screw something up.

For as long as I can remember I have always been facinated with Zombies.  The 1st Zombie movie I remember watching was the original "Night of the Living Dead."  I was hooked at that point.  Over the years I was always amazed at the technology advances in the motion picture industry that have given us the zombies of today. If I had to choose a favorite zombie movie I would have to say the re-make of "Dawn of the Dead."  I thought the changes they made in the new film were very smart choices.  I absolutely love "The Walking Dead" series and look forward to every Sunday evening. 

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  We are usually the only house that decorates.  We like to make most of our can see some of them HERE

So now on to my Zombie Baby. She was brought to "life" because me and my family will be walking in the Phoenix Zombie Walk 2012, plus I found these great little brains at the Dollar Store that I knew right away would be the perfect size for a baby brain. 

Here I give you the stages of transformation:

After paint and enamel accents in her eyes.

Here I have opened her head up and inserted the brain.

I used my glue gun to ensure the brain wouldn't move and then applied the "blood."

I love this one where you can see the blood has run into her eye.

And here she is...Zombie Baby!!!

The transformation:
  • I spray painted her head and hands with gray spray paint
  • After some drying time I applied white and black craft paint with just a simple sponge
  • I then painted her lips and fingernails with black craft paint
  • I also applied Enamel Accents to her eyes
  • I then began opening up her head
  • stuffed the brain inside along with some bubble wrap so that it would keep its shape
  • hot glued the brain to the inside of the head
  • touched up paint and then applied the "blood"
I am so happy you have come this far and taken this journey with me.  I hope you enjoyed my Zombie Baby and please continue on with the Zombie Walk.
Zombies Everywhere
Halloween Blues
The Southern Northerner
Martha's Journey
Annie Walls
GingerRead Review
App'y Talk
Kweeny Todd
Jenny's House of Horrors
Bubba's Place
Fictional Candy
herding cats & burning soup
Author Sherry Soule Blog
Paranormal research Group Blog
Adult Urban Fantasy by Sherry Soule
Moonlight Publishing Blog
Candid Canine
Ghost Hunting Theories
Above the Norm
A Dust Bunny In The Wind
Faith McKay
Zombob's Zombie News & Movie Reviews
Flesh From The Morgue
The Living Dark
Some One Else's Cook
Stumptown Horror
Forget About TV, Grab a Book
Zombie Dating Guide
Strange State
The Paranormalist - Renae Rude
Idée Fixe
Random Game Crafts
WhiteRoseBud's Tumblr
Book Me!
Carmen Jenner Author
Sarasota Zombie Pub Crawl
Not Now...Mommy's Reading
Love is a Many Flavored Thing
Its On Random
Ellie Potts
Attention Earthlings!
Horror Shock LoliPOP
The Spooky Vegan
The Story In...
DarkSide Detectives Blog
Something wicKED this way comes....
Julie Jansen: science fiction and horror writer
Author/screenwriter James Schannep
The Zombie Lab
Creepy Glowbugg
Sharing Links and Wisdom
Midnyte Reader
This Blog Has A.D.D.
Carol's Creations *** You are HERE ***
Jeremy Bates
  Vanessa Morgan


  1. that is awesome and disturbing at the same time...
    Nice Job!

    Jeremy [Retro]
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

  2. This is gory and cute at the same time. Being able to see the brain through the cracks in her skull is a nice touch. Fantastic!

    Horror Shock LoliPOP

  3. That doll is fantastic! I'd love to have your opinion on my zombie post + there are several cool things to win (Amazon Gift Card, Halloween board game and a screenplay). They forgot to put me on the linky, so I really hope you can stop by ;-)

  4. oh wow the doll looks so real. you did great on this.

  5. Well thank you for crafting my nightmares. That is ghoulishly awesome! If that's a sample of your handy work, I want to see your house at Halloween. That is so cool. I can't give enough compliments. Have fun zombie walking! Also, you didn't screw up anything, in fact, I think you win the zombie walk.

  6. Oh.My.God Carol. Nightmares. Gonna have em. Awesome job on the transformation. That's pretty impressive!


  7. That is fantastic!!! Have a blast!!

  8. Nice work! You should move on to manequins next!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE your zombaby!!! The addition of the brain was brilliant!! Now I feel inspired to try my hand at transforming baby dolls. Fabulous work!

  10. You are super creative! Thanks for sharing the zombie love.

    Please Check out My Books!

  11. WOW! That's amazing! You're very talented! Have a great time doing the Zombie Walk with it.

  12. That is fantastic, so creative, and you've inspired me to try my hand at it with one of my daughter's old dolls! Halloween is huge for us too, we're like you one of the few who go ALL out! I love it so much that its our wedding anniversary! Have fun zombie walking! Jet

  13. omgosh, what a transformation! fantastic zombie!


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