
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I'm Coming Back


Well, it has been quite a long time since I have been able to even come near my blog. I'd say at least a good 14 - 15 months since I've been able to craft and/or blog about it. My elderly mother became quite sick and I basically became her caregiver. Being a single mother to 2 children is hard enough and then to unexpectedly become a caregiver to my mom was a huge challenge. This period has definitely been the most exhausting time in my life. I was challenged physically and emotionally.


My mom passed away peacefully in my home approximately 9:30am November 9, 2016. I am now the only one left in my family. My father passed away 10 years ago and my brother 9 years ago. I thought I had so much more time with my mom but when things started to go down hill they went down hill fast. I'm glad that it was fast. I'm glad she is no longer in pain and suffering. I'm glad that she no longer has to be witness to the violence of this world. I'm glad she has been reunited with my father and brother. I'm glad she is in Heaven to help take care of my 2 babies who were taken from me. I'm glad that no matter where I go I know she will be with me. I miss her terribly but I know that she would want me to get my life back and do the things that I love most and that is crafting. My mom bought me most of my Cricut supplies and what-not over the years and I know she would want me to get back to it, so I am. Very soon I will be regularly posting as a Design Team member for the Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog I hope you follow me and join in on all of the fun challenges.

1 comment:

  1. glad to see you back! I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds awfully trying but you made it through and you should definitely do something for yourself! I am looking forward to seeing your latest creations!



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