
Monday, October 5, 2015

Countdown to Halloween 2015 - Day 5

Welcome to Countdown to Halloween 2015
Day 5
Last year I made my own countdown to Halloween and each day has a Halloween related activity to do on that day. With that said, each day during my favorite month, October, I will share with you the Halloween related activity for the day. Some days I will have more than one post, so come back often.
Today's Halloween activity for Day 5 is
Purchase or Make a Costume
I like to be prepared early for costumes so we are usually thinking about Halloween costumes all year long. Plus, we have been attending out local Zombie Walk the past couple years and we need our zombie costumes. We recently took a trip to our local Savers and I found a blue vinyl apron with rubber gloves and protective goggles. I plan to be the biochemist that caused the Zombie Apocalypse to happen for the Zombie Walk. My oldest daughter found a Daryl Dixon (TWD) vest for only $5 that I just had to have. She though hasn't decided what to do for the Zombie Walk but for Halloween she is going to be
Jeff the Killer.
We have already begun to buy the items for her Jeff the Killer costume, I think all we need now is a wig, make up and blood. My youngest daughter has been changing her mind just about every month for the last 11 months as to what she wants to be for Halloween. She has gone from Chucky, Vi from The Incredibles, Jason and now it is Ghost Face from Scream. All I know is she wants a costume to go with the blood dripping knife she wants to carry...oh and by the way she's 5.
These girls are definitely mine.
So get out there and get your costume or your kids costumes.
As always, have fun!

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