
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Countdown to Halloween 2015 - Day 10

Welcome to Countdown to Halloween 2015
Day 10
Last year I made my own countdown to Halloween (pictured above) and each day has a Halloween related activity to do on that day. With that said, each day during my favorite month, October, I will share with you the Halloween related activity for the day. Some days I will have more than one post, so come back often.
Today's Halloween activity for Day 10 is
Visit a Pumpkin Patch

Well today is not going to be a good day for us to visit the pumpkin is soccer Saturday. Both of my girls have games today and in 2 different locations so this day will be full. My hope though is to get to the pumpkin patch next week when my girls are on Fall break. There is nothing stopping you though to get out there to those pumpkin patches and make those wonderful family memories.

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