
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Peeps on a Stick Easter Basket

Me and my family were invited to a friends house for an Easter Eve celebration and flashlight Easter egg hunt. I knew for about 2 weeks I wanted to create a little something for the kids and our host and the Peeps on a Stick Easter Basket is what I created.

I used these items to create my Peeps on a Stick Easter Basket:
  • White basket with liner from Micheal's
  • little egg picks (which I had in my stash for many many years) that I attached to the sides of the basket
  • Styrofoam for the inside of the basket
  • wooden skewers
  • Peeps in assorted colors
  • Clear plastic bags with twist ties
  • Plastic eggs just for added decoration
I assembled my basket first. Then with the help of my oldest daughter Kaitlyn, we assembled the Peeps on a Stick. We finished them off by covering them with the clear plastic bags and placing them in the basket. I added the plastic eggs just for added color and decoration.

This project was so easy and fun. I do recommend having a helper though, one person to skewer and one person to bag. The Peeps on a Stick Easter Basket was a hit with the kids and the host. Plus, something like this cost a lot less to make than to buy...I saw just the Peeps on a Stick in the store selling for $3.00 each and the chicks were a lot smaller. I ended up making 14 sticks which cost me approximately $8.00 for the Peeps, $2.00 for the skewers, and $2.00 for the clear plastic bags...for a total cost of $12.00 for 14 sticks. Had I bought them it would have been $42.00 and this is just for the sticks. Plus, I had leftover Peeps to make additional Peep Sticks if I wanted to.  Definitely worth the money, time and effort to make this instead of buying.

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my Peeps on a Stick Easter Basket, I hope you liked it.

I will be entering this in the challenge at Decorate to Celebrate Challenge #47 - Easter

1 comment:

  1. OMG! super cute and fun!! Thank you for joining us over at Decorate to Celebate!


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