
Friday, October 14, 2011

A Little Something Personal About ME!

Today I'm going to share with you little something personal about myself...I have 4 children; 2 who walk along side me and 2 who soar above me.   The month of October everyone seems to be very focused on Breast Cancer Awareness but for me it is about October 15th - Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

January 9, 2005 my entire world shattered!  I was 29 weeks and 6 days pregnant with my son Aiden and something went wrong.  I had a complete placental abruption without the usual symptoms and my son Aiden was stillborn.  Through a support group called Compassionate Friends we found The Miss Foundation.  My husband and I attended a support group through them for several years.  We still attend and participate in annual events and fundraisers. 

The 1st year of grief was the hardest and then I also had it compounded by a second loss.  I was fortuate to get pregnant again 9 months after lossing Aiden.  Then after 8 weeks I began to miscarry.  I miscarried naturally after a couple days after it had started.  I named that baby Kiran.

I carry the grief of lossing Aiden and Kiran with me every day.    I don't know what I would have done without the support of The Miss Foundation.  Some days are better than others and then some days like Saturday have been weighing heavy on my heart all week.

If you are interested in learning more about my angels Aiden and Kiran, and about their stories please visit Aiden's Website **** WARNING **** THIS IS A VERY SENSITIVE MATTER AND THERE ARE PICTURES POSTED THAT ARE NOT SUITABLE FOR ALL VIEWERS **** 
Thank you in advance if you have taken the time to read a little bit about me and if you do visit Aiden's website!

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