
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Link Up Love Party with K Andrew 9/20-9/27

I am entering a project I post previously for a challenge, it is actually one of my favorite creations so far for the Fall/Halloween season.  This is my 1st Link Up and I hope I do it right.  I understand the Link Up the Love Party is a great way to meet new bloggers and find inspiration from amazing projects! How Fun- I'm doing it why not come share your blog Getting Cricky too!

Here's my project, it's an altered frame and the picture inside is my Mom dressed as "The Bride of Frankenstein"

Link Up Party runs from Tuesday 9/20 to Tuesday 9/27. Winners announced 10/3

  • Grab the Getting Cricky blinky and post on your blog's sidebar
  • Be a follower of Getting Cricky
  • Create a new blog post that is titled Link Up Love Party with K Andrew. In your post, you must mention that the link up love party is a way to get to know each other and find new blog inspiration, mention my blog, with a link back to Getting Cricky
  • Post your favorite project that you've done in your blog for HALLOWEEN
  • Copy and paste the link up code into your blog post so the Inlinkz will show up on your blog
  • Spread the word so everyone can join in!
  • You must visit, follow, and comment on the 5 people before you AND the 5 people after you in the Inlinkz. It would be fantastic if you would visit as many as you can--maybe everyone? If you are one of the first 5 then you will need to blog the ones before you and a few more after--as long as it's a minimum of 10 near you in the link up
  • If you do not do the above your link will be deleted, because it's just not fair to those who work so hard linking up and showing love to the ones on the list. I have two moderators who will be checking this out to keep it awesome and fun!


  1. OMGosh! I get to post your first comment of the this link-up. YAY ME! I am very excited and honored...first comment and your 28th follower. Yee Haw!. Great project.Loving this link-up.

    Be Blessed, Beckie

  2. Wow! This frame is awesome! Great work. I'm stopping by on the link up love party and I'm your newest follower!


  3. What an awesome frame! I love how spooky it is! I am visiting from LULP and am now your newest follower :)Amy

  4. This is amazing Carol! What a fabulous altered frame! And your mom dressed as the bride - that is fantastic! Love your blog decoration for Halloween - spooky! Stopping by as a linkup the love party guest and now following your blog :)

  5. WOW, Carol, this frame is amazing!! I love the pic of your mom as the Bride of Frankenstein! What a fabulous project - I love it!! I'm stopping by to say hi from the Link Up Love party :)

    Getting Cricky DTM

  6. Wow - that's awesome! Here from LUL party!
    :) Janis

  7. Not sure if my post went through. Love your mom's costume and that is a great frame. So very cool.

  8. I love your frame!! The picture of your Mom dressed up as Bride of Frankie is super creative!!
    Here from the Link Up Love Party!!
    Sherrie K

  9. Very, very, cool frame. I'd love to know exactly how you did that. And I love the Breaking Dawn counter!

  10. OOOOHHHH very spooky. A great way to frame a great picture...Love it all! Stopping by from LULP!

  11. What a lovely creation.
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  12. What a fabulous project! I am here from the LULP and am your newest follower. I would love for you to stop by my blog if you get a chance. :)


  13. That is an awesome project! Very creative!

  14. What a cute idea! I love it! I'm stopping by from the LULP and I'm your newest follower!

  15. Such a great idea. It goes together perfectly.


  16. Your frame is awesome, love the photo of your Mom, I use to dress up all the time and maybe this year again. Thank you for dropping by my blog. Hugs, Lori m

  17. OMG! I love the frame you made so spooky and your mom's costume is awesome!
    Becka M
    Getting Cricky DT Member
    Creations With Becka


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today! Please leave me a comment...I love and appreciate them all!