
Monday, May 9, 2011

We Walk 4Them

On Mother's Day me and my family participated in an event for the The MISS Foundation  It is an organization that supports families when a child dies.  The event was called Empty Strollers, Empty Shoes: We Walk for Them.  We walked for our nephew Chad who was taken from us when he was only 4 months old in 1993 and his death was attributed to SIDS.  We also walked for our babies Aiden and Kiran.  My son Aiden was stillborn at 29 weeks and 6 days gestation due a complete placental abruption and Kiran was misscarried at 8 weeks and 6 days, both in 2005.  I don't know what I would've done without The MISS Foundation.  Their support, especially in those early months during our grief, was essential for our healing.  Not a day goes by that we don't think about and MISS our babies.  Participating in this event is our way of never letting their memory die!

I used these Cricut cartridges:

Indie Art for the wings that I welded in the Design Studio to the names
Calligraphy Collection for the names
Graphically Speaking for the stoller
New Arrival for the feet
Plantin SchoolBook for the title

I don't know the sizes for any it because I did everything in the Design Studio. 

Thanks for looking!

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