
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Countdown to Halloween 2015 - Day 29

Welcome to Countdown to Halloween 2015
Day 29 
Last year I made my own countdown to Halloween (pictured above) and each day has a Halloween related activity to do on that day. With that said, each day during my favorite month, October, I will share with you the Halloween related activity for the day. Some days I will have more than one post, so come back often.
Today's Halloween activity for Day 29 is

Watch "Trick 'r Treat"

I was introduced to this movie a couple years ago and have become obsessed with it. I loved every second of this movie. If you have not seen this movie, now is the time. Check it out HERE on IMDb. One of the characters in the film is Sam. Sam makes sure that everyone follows the rules for Halloween: wear a costume, don't blow out your jack-o-lantern before midnight, and always check your candy. If you don't follow these rules you will pay...with your life!

The love I have for this movie has spread to the rest of my family and after my oldest saw the cut version of it on TV she too fell in love with it. She requested to be Sam for Halloween a couple years back so my husband and I made her a Sam costume and I think it turned out pretty dang good.

She loved it and we loved it.
We now use Sam as part of our Halloween decorations


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