
Sunday, December 11, 2011

National Children's Memorial Day

The 2nd Sunday of December is National Children's Memorial Day.  If you have not been touched by the death of a child then you may not know of this day.  I have known of this day since 2005.  On January 9, 2005 I was 29 weeks and 6 days pregnant with my son Aiden and while at work that afternoon I began to not feel well.  I assumed I was having Braxton Hicks contractions but within in hours I was in severe pain and being taken to the hospital.  Then the most awful news that can be given to a pregnant woman, my son did not have a heartbeat.  I had had a complete placental abruption and my son was born still via C-section at 9:50pm.  My entire life changed that day.

Later that year I was fortunate to get pregnant again in October but sadly I miscarried that baby at 8 weeks, who we named Kiran, on December 7, 2005.  Just days later I went to my 1st National Children's Memorial Day ceremony and have been going every 2nd Sunday in December ever since.

The ceremony I attend starts at 6:30pm.  There will be speakers, songs performed and then at 7:pm around the world candles will be lit.  Everyone in attendance is welcome to come up on stage to light their candle and say their child's name over the microphone.  This year I will be lighting my candle for my babies Aiden and Kiran, my nephew Chad (who was taken from us at 4 months to SIDS in 1993) and my brother Eric (who was taken from us at the young age of 42 in 2007). 

Every day without my babies is a constant reminder of what I should have and don't.  I MISS and LOVE Aiden and Kiran every second of every day and I know one glorious day we will be reunited.  So tonight if you know someone who has lost a child at any age, for any reason just take a moment at 7:pm and light a candle for that child, so that their light will continue to shine even in death.

Thank you and may you be blessed. 

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