
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elmo Altered Composition Book

My youngest daughter is turning 2 this month and as one of her gifts I made was an altered composition book.  I plan on using this book to teach her her letters and numbers.  Jaidyn absolutely loves Elmo, her party is going to be Elmo, and I already know she will be getting lots of Elmo gifts.  I had the idea for this composition book months ago and have now had the opportunity to make it.

I am also going to be entering this in these challenges:
  • Fantabulous Cricut - Challenge Me Monday #85 - Book Lover - Create a project that has something to do with a book. You can make your own book, include the image of a book on your project, design a bookmark, etc.
  • Shopping Our Stash Challenge #25 - stickers, rub-ons, and chipboard - sort thru your stash and dig out those forgotten stickers, rub-ons, and chipboard!  Use any one or more on your project!
  • Throwback Thursday Challenge - Kid Friendly -*** This challenge is to use a "Kid Friendly" cartridge, such as any "Disney", "Create a Critter", "Nursery Tales", "A Child's Year" etc.......
I used these items to create this altered composition book:
  • Composition book that I've had since July
  • Design Studio
  • Cricut cartridge Sesame Street and Friends - for the Elmo
  • Cricut cartridge George and Basic Shapes -  for the yellow border
  •  Martha Stewart flocking powder - that I've had since Michael's clearanced them out 
  • Elmo stickers that I bought months ago knowing that I was having an Elmo party for my daughter
  • Recollections pattern paper (Bright Lights Big City) that I bought months ago for the purpose of making Elmo invitations, scrapbook pages and whatever else I could think of
Here's an up close look at that adorable little guy we call Elmo:

It's hard to see the flocking but it really does make a HUGE difference than just using paper!  I put the #2 on the book that Elmo is reading because Jaidyn is turning 2!

I hope you enjoyed my Elmo Altered Composition Book and I plan to bring you more Elmo in the very near future!


  1. What a great idea! So fun and educational too! Nice job :)


  2. I am sure you daughter will love learning with you and what a great keepsake for when she grows up. Thanks for joining us for Challenge me Monday at FCCB. - Melanie

  3. What a darling idea! A great way to keep her interest also when learning the numbers and letters. So cute!
    Thanks for joining the Challenge me Monday over at FCCB!
    Sherrie K

  4. awwwwwh! I LOVE ELMO!!! TOTALLY reminds me of my Baby Aaron when he was a baby!!! GREAT job my sweet friend!
    Big Gypsy Hugs,

  5. Super cute! Who doesn't like Elmo!

  6. What an awesome notebook. That paper with Elmo is too cute. Love it.

    Thanks for linking-up at FCCB!

    Be Blessed, Beckie

  7. This notebook is AWESOME!!!! Absolutely FLAWLESS! In fact cuter than what you could buy by far! Terrific job! Hugs- Glora

  8. Oh so cute!! And such a great idea. Thanks for joining FCCB.

  9. Carol, your daughter will LOVE this! So cute, bright, and cheery! I love the Elmo cut; it makes me wish my son was that age again. Thanks for playing along with My Creative Time's Throwback Thursday Challenge!

  10. Oh, I love Elmo. What a cute project! Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

  11. This is so sweet - and what a fun way for your daughter to learn her letters and numbers!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us at Fantabulous Cricut!
    Small Bits of Paper
    smallbitsofpaper @ [remove spaces]


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