
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kaitlyn's Halloween Spider

My 9 year old daughter Kaitlyn loves to create just as much as I do and she seems to have a knack for recycling/repurposing things around the house.   Kaitlyn happened to be going through some of my craft supplies and found a piece of floral foam that was left over from a previous project and decided she wanted to make something of it...and this is what she made!

Kaitlyn used these items to create this spider:
  • floral foam
  • black craft paint
  • toothpicks
  • black tinsel-like balls
  • google eyes
  • white foam sheet
  • fancy fur yarn
  • floss
  • tacky glue

Kaitlyn painted the foam and toothpicks with black craft paint.  She glued on the little black tinsel-like balls to the ends of the toothpicks and inserted the toothpicks into the foam.  Kaitlyn then glued on the google eyes.  She then cut out 2 teeth from some white foam sheets and glued them on.  Lastly, Kaitlyn glued on the fancy fur yarn around the body of the spider and some black floss to hang it from.

We are entering this project into these challenges:
I think she did an amazing job and best of all this was all her help needed from Mom!

1 comment:

  1. I love this creepy (and cute) little spider! Thanks for joining us again at Craft Your Passion Kids Challenges :)



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