
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award

Today I was given a very sweet gift from Allison at

To accept this award, I must tell you 7 things about me and select some other bloggers to send this on to.  Ready?

1. I am addicted to my Cricut and all things Cricut
2. I have 4 dogs and 3 cats
3. I am a HUGE Philadelphia Flyers fan!!!
4. My husband and my children are my best friends
5. I would love to take a professional photography class
6. I want to visit Egypt
7. I have 4 children - 2 who walk and 2 who soar

Now I would like to bestow this award onto these talented ladies:
Here's to you: because I love her designs because everything she does is beautiful because I think she has made some very unique projects


  1. Why, thank you, Carol! I needed a boost of confidence right about now! I'm wayyyyyy behind on posting the awards I've been given over the past few months but I will do my best to get to this as soon as possible. My little grandson has been in and out of the hospital and my crafting time has been cut short. Thank you once again for visiting my blog and choosing me for this blog award!

  2. Carol!!! You are tooo sweet! This made my day! It really helps motivate me to keep up my new blog when sweet people like you take the time to show their appreciation. Blogs can be tricky at times especially if your like me and do not know much about computers but Im learning! lol But thanks again for all your comments and this award and as soon as I figure out how to transpher it to my blog I will! Hugs! ~Melissa


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today! Please leave me a comment...I love and appreciate them all!