
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Spike - HDH #174 Macabre Monday - Nailed It!

Well it has been a very long time since I created anything. The Summer months have been extremely hot in Arizona and just cleaning the house really takes all of the energy out of me, not to mention that my craft area is in my kitchen which gets the full setting sun in the afternoon and evening. So since we have been finally getting some rain and lower temps I was able to get a project done.

Meet Spike. He is a Goth Zombie Baby, well just a baby head! A couple of months ago while at the local Savers my oldest daughter found 2 baby doll heads for just .99 cents each. We are always on the lookout for items that can be repurposed and/or created into art. With the most recent challenge over at Haunted Design House titled Nailed It! I knew that I wanted to use one of my baby doll heads for it. I also knew right off the bat I didn't want to do the well know and well loved row of nails down the middle of the head because of fear that everyone would do it. So then the idea came to me, a Goth Baby and I thought the neck was the perfect place for a spiked collar. From that point on more ideas like the nail ear ring and the lip ring came to life.

But since I like a little gore this had to be a zombie baby and I had to create the bite mark, which you can see is right on the head.

I'm surprised I actually got this done because it seemed like everything I tried was screwed up, my spray paint was clogged, I dropped the head after painting it, and the nails were too small so they didn't stay where I wanted them to go. This was a project full of compromise but I am happy with the final outcome!

I used these items to create Spike:
  • baby doll head
  • White spray paint
  • Black, gray, brown, yellow and pink craft paint
  • Fake blood
  • Glossy accents - eyes
  • Part of my daughters old belt - collar
  • Nails - collar and ear ring
  • Silver paint marker - nails in collar
  • Chain ring - lip ring
I will be entering this in the following challenge:
Thank you for stopping by and checking out my Spike hope you enjoyed him.